ONCEJan 2017~

Dual Patron wins the Jr Heading and Heeling at the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo, AQHA Show!

Jan 2017~

Bobby Lewis and "Bad Bad Dually Brown" win the Sr Heading Circuit Championship Title at the the Tulsa Winter Classic. 

"Bad Bad Dually Brown" is Sired by Dual Spark and owned by Scott Venable.

Nov 2016~

Dual Catt & Joseph take home the Bronz in the the AQHA World Show Jr Heeling!

Nov 2015~

Bobby Lewis wrapped up another AQHA World Championship title in the 2015 AQHA World Show Jr Heading.

2024 ~TIME TO GLO sold to Time To Glo Syndicate!!  

2024~TIME TO GLO once again came home with the Gold Buckle Super Horse Award!!

2024~ TIME TO GLO was named the 2023 Top-Earning Competitive Roping Stallion of all time per QData. His 4 yr old year Time To Glo won over $132,000 and racked up 204 AQHA Points!  He's not slowing down in 2024, he's adding more titles to his list!


TIME TO GLO made a remarkable debut by winning a number of Champion and Reserve Champion Titles in the AQHA and Rope Horse Futurities during his 4 yr old year.

March 2021

Houston Livestock Show

A Big Congratulations to Team Lewis for bringing home the Titles from 2021 Houston Livestock Show!! #hlssr
*Dual Axle & Bobby
HLSSR Champion Sr Heading
*Bobby Glo Harlan & Bobby
HLSSR Champion Jr Heading
Owners Benny & Susan Scarberry
*Cielo Shine & Wesley
HLSSR Champion Heeling
Owner Roy Bonner II
*One Time in Gold & Culley
HLSSR Reserve CH Heeling
Owner Judy Simpson

Jan 2021

World Greatest Horsewoman

Samantha Robbins and Dual Axle made their debut in Queen Creek, AZ, taking home the Steer Stopping #1 position and 4th place in the Finals after all 4 events.

Jan 2021

Tulsa Holiday Circuit

The Tulsa Holiday Circuit was a good three days for Team Lewis!
[🔹] [🏆] NAMGIS D14 and Bobby ended up the Circuit Champions in the Open Heading.
[🔹] [🏆] NAMGIS D14 and Justin were the Youth Circuit Champions.
[🔹] [🏆] BOBBY GLO HARLAN and Bobby were the Reserve Circuit Champions in Open Heading.
[🔹] [🏆] TRUE BLUE BAYOU and Bobby were the Circuit Champions in Open Performance Stallion Halter
[🔹] [🏆] SMOKIN N ROCKIN and Culley ended up Reserve Circuit Champion in the Open Performance Halter Stallions.
Bobby, Chase Graves, Culley Morgan and Wesley Barlow all racked up points on....
[🔸] Cielo Shine, Open Heading, Open Heeling andOpen Performance Halter
[🔸] Smokin N Rockin, Open Heading & Heeling, Open Cow Horse & Open Performance Halter
[🔸] Smokin Duals, Open Cow Horse
[🔸] Bobby Glo Harlan, Open Heading, Open Heeling & Open Performance Halter
[🔸] One Time In Gold, Open Heeling
[🔸] Miss Playin Stylish, Open Heeling
[🔸] True Blue Bayou, Open Performance Halter
[🔸] Smokin N Rockin, Open Heading and Heeling
[🔸] Hot Duals, Open Heading and Heeling
[🔸] Namgis D14, Open Heading and Heeling
[🔸] RS Glo Fly, Open Heading

Nov 2020


Team Lewis shines at the the 2020 AQHA World Show in Oklahoma City!

*BOBBY GLO HARLAN ~AQHA World Champion Junior Heeling

*CIELO SHINE ~ AQHA Reserve World Champion Junior Heeling

*RED WHITE AND SMOOTH ~ 5TH place Senior Heading Lv2 and Lv3, Lv2 Champion Senior Heelig

*NAMGIS D14 ~ 3rd Lv 2 Tie Down, 3rd Lv 2 Senior Heading

April 2017~

Dual Patron & Bobby win the OQHA Spring Show Jr Heading Championship!  Dual Patron was also Reserve Champion Jr Heeling horse!

Feb 2017~

Dual Patron & Bobby win the Dixie Nationals Jr Heading Championship!  Dual Patron was also the High Point Open Horse!

Bobby Lewis Quarter Horses


Bobby Lewis Quarter Horses

 Training * Breeding * Sales

  Bobby is QData's #1 Rope Horse Breeder in 2023 and has won over 33 AQHA World Champion in Cow Horse and Roping, he's an NCHA Hall Of Fame Inductee and has been a cornerstone in the AQHA Industry breeding, training and showing World reknown horses. Bobby is one of the few versatile trainers in todays equine industry that competes in NRCHA and several AQHA events.  Whether it be Calf Roping, Cow Horse, Team Roping (Heading & Heeling), Cutting or Ranch Riding, Bobby continues to produce winners and always has many great horses for sale.  There is a Love and Dedication that fuels him which is his foundation for success.


2017 AQHA World Show was a huge success for DUAL PATRON and J LOWS GLO who earned the 2o17 AQHA Jr Heading and Jr Heeling World Championship Titles!

Oct. 2017   ARHFA

Dual Patron and Bobby win the 4 yr old Heading Horse Champion Title and the Incentive Heading at the American Rope Horse Futurity held in Fort Worth.

Joseph and J Lows Glo (Full Sister to Dual Patron) win the Reserve Champions Title in the Heeling!

July 2017~

Congratulations to Bobby and J Lows Glo on conquering the 2017 Tulsa Holiday Circuit Cow Horse Champion Title!

April 2017~

Dual Patron is the 2017 Oil Can Classic Jr Heeling Champion and has reached his AQHA Superior in Heeling in a short amount of time.